⚪ How To Play Go ⚫ how to play go . net

46 Kyu Problems

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It's Black's turn. At first, it looks like it's an illegal move...

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Your turn.

Try again.

4 black stones are in danger!
Kill the white stones before you die!

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Your turn.

Try again.

Capture the 2 white stones by touching the black ones.
Here, you cannot capture the white ones in one move.

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Your turn.

Try again.

If you can capture the white stone (A) that is separating black, it will be an easy game.
[Tip] Don't try to attack the enemy directly.

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Your turn.

Try again.

Why do we have to capture the opponent’s stones?

Because when removing the opponent’s stones that are separating yours, your stones that were divided can be connected.

This is a very important aspect of Go.

Just remember to play so that all your tiles are connected to each other when you can.



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