⚪ How To Play Go ⚫ how to play go . net

50 Kyu Problems

Capture the Opponent’s Stones in Atari!

You can click on the board and capture your opponent’s stones.

If you see a mistake, keep trying until you find a solution.

Here, a 9 x 9 board is used. Typically, a 19 x 19 board is used.

The smallest is recommended for beginners.

Black's turn. Capture the white stone in atari.

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Your turn.

Try again.

Black's turn. Two white stones are in atari. Capture both in one move!

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Your turn.

Try again.

Black's turn. Even if there are other stones nearby, just do the same.

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Your turn.

Try again.

Just repeat the problems until you fully understand them.

When you understand them, I grant you the level of 50 Kyu - the lowest level in my ranking system.

About the Go ranking

In the amateur world of Go, 30 kyu is normally the lowest level. The lower the number, the stronger the player.

Above 1 kyu comes 1 dan. As the dan increases, the stronger it will become.

Players with Dan are considered the best.



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