⚪ How To Play Go ⚫ how to play go . net

A slap in the face

Here, you will learn some practical techniques needed to start a real game.

You play Black, as usual.

White places an E4 stone very close to you - this move is called "touch".

How should you respond to touch?

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In this case, Black's F4 move shown below is good.

This move decreases White's freedom from 3 to 2.

It's almost as if black is slapping white in the face.

Attack the attacker!

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Continuing the diagram above, if white played elsewhere like E7, black can continue attacking the white stone as below. Now the E4 stone is on the Atari - with one more move, you can capture her.

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Continuing from the first figure, if black doesn't respond to white's touch and plays elsewhere like F7, how would white play?

White will continue to attack by slapping black in the face.

Can you see that black E3 is in trouble?

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It’s time to practice!

White has just touched his stone. Which answer is most appropriate?

There are two correct answers. Try to get it right!

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Your turn.

Try again.



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